How do they make people grow throughout a movie?

Question by : How do they make people grow throughout a movie?
Really weird question but…
What if you wanted to make a movie where one of the characters gets taller? I don’t really mean that they get older but grow height wise. Obviously the actor probably wouldn’t grow the same way and getting a bunch of different actors would probably be difficult.
Weird question but i saw a movie where that happened so I was just wondering. Thanks! 🙂
I understand the camera angles but can you get that to apply when two people are standing next to each other? Like one person is taller but you want them to be shorter.

Best answer:

Answer by Fok You
There are multiple ways that this can occur. Sometimes its natural, given that a shoot, with re shots and everything can take a few years. The most common way films make people appear bigger and smaller is through the use of camera angles. By using what is called a low angle shot, shooting up towards an actor, you can give a sense of height. This is used when shooting Arnold Schwarzenegger and Tom Cruise. The reverse is done with a high angle shot, shooting from above.

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They can do that by using a green screen. Keeping the taller person in the original frame, you can shoot using the angles with a green screen behind the person, removing it in editing and adding it in front of the originally shot frame. A good example of green screen is The Social Network, the twins are actually played by one character, with green screen adding the a second version of the same person.

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