How do i contact Hollywood studios?

Question by tyler s: How do i contact Hollywood studios?
im making an american pie movie so i need to contact adam herz & universal studios

Best answer:

Answer by feckless
You can contact Adam Herz tangentially, via his Emerging Writers Program: (link below). This is not a script submission site however, more of a development program for writers. Maybe you might consider this path to getting your script out.

Do note that Adam Herz, his company, and Universal Studios and any other distribution partner will refuse to accept any script that is based on, or a sequel to one of their movies. Understand it from their point of view, if you send them your script, and it contains an idea for a scene or a plot, they have no way of proving that they did not steal it from you and they’ll smell a lawsuit coming. So, they will not accept it under any circumstance. In fact, before you submit anything (which will have to be through your representation, either a lawyer or agent), you will sign a disclaimer that states that you understand that there may be similar plots, or story lines already in development, without your prior knowledge, that the studio or production company might produce without permission or compensation to you, at their sole discretion.

As for Universal, there are a number of steps for getting in front of anyone with a script you’ve written. Most studios do not develop scripts and then produce them, they are developed (rewritten, talent attached, and money found) by a production company that then approaches Universal with a distribution offer. Adam Herz, you might know, has had a ‘first look’ deal with Universal, primarily what this means is that Uni will agree to do a distribution for the movie (possibly even front some of the money) once it is made. Distribution controls Hollywood cinema. Nothing gets played without adequate distribution.

Good luck. Contact away, find an Agent or Lawyer that can submit for you or book an appointment to meet someone in a production company.

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