How could I sell a complete movie script without publishing my name?

Question by sudhankannan: How could I sell a complete movie script without publishing my name?
My script is a story of an art movie.Plight of a sessions judge who had passed two wrong judgment.

Best answer:

Answer by the_evil_knowledge_junkie
Well, there are a few different scenarios that you could do.

1) Hire a literary agent and focus all of your business through him. Sell it under a pen name (non de plume for you adroit types).

2) Look into doing the movie yourself (independent filmmakers are becoming increasingly popular)

3) Use the good ole world wide web to your advantage.

However, you should know that screenplays/scripts, etc. are difficult to sell. First it has to be good. Next, once the buyer gets ahold of it, it will probably be changed by a team of writers.

And in more wicked cases, the company/person may just offer a cheaper price for the “concept” of the idea and then hire writers to do that.

Hence, maybe investing in an agent might be the best way to go. They would know the in’s and out’s better than some poor souls randomly answering questions on Yahoo!

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