How can I fake a car crash for a movie project?

Question by delo b: How can I fake a car crash for a movie project?
So I’m making this movie for a project and there’s a scene in it where two people are driving down a road at night. In the scene the driver is swerving and going fast, but he cannot step on the brake because an obstruction like a water bottle or something has gotten wedged under it. Then the car is supposed to crash into either an oncoming car, or a wall, I get to choose that part. This is all going to be done on a hand held little camcorder (there is no way of getting around that) and the person who’s holding it is going to be sitting in the back seat. Can anyone help me with going about how to make the crash look even somewhat real…I REALLY NEED SOME HELP!!! Oh and, it’s supposed to be a fatal crash. Please anyone…thank you:)

Best answer:

Answer by mrmet629
Video tape the car driving, going relle fast, and then move the camera to the foot peddle where the obstruction is. Then get sound effects

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