HotForWords – “I’d like to double her entendre!” — The Todd, Scrubs

Follow me on TWITTER HERE Join me on FACEBOOK HERE sign up to be entered to win the iPad. iPhone app: Double Entendre: Hello my dear students.. there is still time to win that autographed iPad.. stay tuned for details at the end of the video and cool info on this awesome iPhone app. Today’s lesson should be a dandy. Right!? I’m so excited! Who’s doing the lesson today? Yes. What? No, what’s tomorrow, who is today. I don’t know who is hosting today, and why are you asking me what is tomorrow, it’s a lesson, right? No… Billy Who is hosting the show today and Mary What is hosting tomorrow! Oh… I get it!!! Then who’s shooting the day after tomorrow? I Don’t Know. But we need someone to shoot on Friday!.. Oh.. I get it.. “I Don’t Know” is shooting on Friday.. this is ridiculous! Gosh.. that was horrible! But, did you see what I did there? That was actually taken from an Abbot and Costello bit.. altered slightly to apply to me. That bit introduces us to “double entendre”. Something that has two possible meanings. The expressions comes from the French phrase of the same spelling that came to English in the 17th century. The French phrase has updated since then and is now (pronounced doooblaa ontonteh) double entente while the English stayed the same as the old French. In any case, double entendres are among a larger family of plays on words known as puns, and many people who pride themselves on being “punny” have a

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