Highway drive for charity

Highway drive for charity
Dave Hernandez and Mike Fadden have been best buddies since seventh grade. They did a lot of things together and as they got older, about 14, they joined the same fire company in Medford.
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You will know ‘Jack’
‘Casino Jack’ at Charles and Alex Gibney’s doc on DVD flesh out the foul image of lobbyist Jack Abramoff White-collar scandals come so quickly these days that if you don’t work on Wall Street or inside the Beltway, it’s difficult to distinguish between scoundrels. When you first hear the name ” Jack Abramoff,” you might think that he was the one who ripped off everyone from Elie Wiesel to Steven …
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Guiding students to lead skillfully
The North Platte Telegraph In 25 years, the bright young faces of the fifth graders in Thursday’s leadership conference can run for president. In anticipation of being leader of the free world or class president in high school, the locally-held conference focused on teaching kids leadership skills.
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