HI SMART people*****What is a SEARCH Box called for a php site, a php form??????

Question by Thalassaki: HI SMART people*****What is a SEARCH Box called for a php site, a php form??????
hi, I need someone to please explain to me EXACTLY what a search box for a PHP site is called: I don’t think its called search box.

Example: If the user types the letter A in the box, all the images that begin with the letter A will appear , and they can click and put in shopping cart.

I want to sell my images but i really STUCK on this part. WHAT is the box called, is it called a script, a form, what?

HOW can I make this? If Im under a Ecommerce shopping cart software, what buttons do I go to to CREATE this box??

Thanks so much, I appreciate all your help 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by deletedaccount
It’s called Predictive search. Describing how to implement it would take a lot more text that this little box can contain. It’d also require knowledge of the e-commerce system you’re using.

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