Help with making a movie?

Question by : Help with making a movie?
I want to make a short (or long) movie with some friends of mine. It’s based on a book i am writing and it about a werewolf girl…i want to know how to put in good affects and stuff-
Some examples would be there is a thunderstorm, a girl with red/black eyes, wolf noises (snarling, growiling, howling), I want a wolf to be in the video (Do i find a large dog in my naiborhood and ask if i can use if him in the video, or do i take a scene with a wolf in it from a movie?), special affect noises (tearing flesh, wind blowing, or rustling leaf noises…etc), and how do I get people to let me use places for scenes? What is a good age for the people who are in it? The oldest i can go is 7th grade-6th graders are what are going to be playing in it though 🙂 Any tips as well?

P.S. If you want to read my story to get a better idea, here is a link:

Best answer:

Answer by Josh
Find a good team. Your film sounds like it needs a DOP (Director of photograhy) aswell a team of good camera and sound opertors. It sounds like you need a sound designer as well as other technicains, editors and designers.

This is if you do a feature length film but even if you just do a short deffo find, at least a DOP and someone who can at least propely operate the camera.

Think meaning over flashy effects.

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