Hello, My Name Is: lumbe’ tlhInganpu’

Hello, My Name Is: lumbe’ tlhInganpu’
A curious girl’s ethnographic quest for stimulation, knowledge and the least common denominator… The opinions expressed in Hello, My Name Is do not necessarily reflect those of the Austinist or anyone else in the Ist network. p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }a:link { } It’s been so long since my last story that I believe you deserve an explanation. I have a confession to make: I am not a Klingon. Go …
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Everything You Need to Know About Google TV
The long awaited launch of Google TV is finally here and we couldn’t be more excited. We’ve heard more than our fair share of rumors, and even passed on some of the more reliable ones, but we’ve finally got the official details on the entire Google TV lineup for 2010.What it DoesFor starters, let’s talk about what Google TV is. It’s not a product in and of itself, but a platform that runs on …
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