Hammock Bivy by Ajillis fails raintest

Hammock Bivy by Ajillis fails first time in rain. Received the Hammock Bivy by Ajillis yesterday and was impressed by the design and packaging. I instantly took it out back and let it hang over night to test the waterproof feature. the rains started at 4am and when it let up for a bit at 1pm I went out to investigate. As I thought would happen, that outside pocket was full of water but not discouraged, I peeled back the top cover to look inside, there was a nice puddle of water inside the hammock. Obviously, this can not be considered rainproof/waterproof at this point and useless for its intended and described purpose. I have asked for a replacement or refund. I would actually rather have one that works, if that’s possible. Response and update will be presented here. Refund offered by Ajillis, I settled for a discount and will continue figuring out why this leaks.. I kind like the idea and weight, more to follow. UPDATE 4/16/11: From what I discovered so far, I can see trails of water coming down from the end caps. Most likely, the webbing is soaking up to much water and it goes into the hammock at each end, not the zipper. The cover caps on ends actually pool water in themselves from the webbing material, defeating their purpose. I may try rings or carabiners close to the ends and rubber boots covering the webbing on hammock side. Making the webbing two pieces and allowing the ring to become the drip point. more to follow. I still like the design, wish it had finer
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