Halloween costume and party ideas?

Question by Mi: Halloween costume and party ideas?
I’m going to have a Halloween party and my friend is going to help me with it.
In Sweden we don’t celebrate Halloween like in the US. No one goes trick’r treating. It’s too bad because i love Halloween.
I want to have a really funny Halloween party. Any ideas on what activities we can do and what cakes I can make?
Also I don’t know what or who I should dress up as. I would like to go as a movie character. Where I live the stores don’t have any good wigs either so I have to be creative. It would be fun to be a Tim Burton character though, but I don’t know. Any tips? I’m a 15 years old girl by the way but I can dress up as a male character too. 🙂

Best answer:

Answer by bob -b- c
First get some dry ice you can Find in yellow pages and it is cheap.you can add to Gatorade or apple juice or collide,it makes aw-some smoke and cools drinks, Also get some fluorescent fishing line the thinner the better. straining across room above head or outside in trees . It looks exactly like laser beams.Also go to The-original-pumpkinteeth.com they have awesome glow in the dark teeth you stick into pumpkins and gourds and squash. you can use the regular teeth in a watermelon, Carve out cut face stick teeth close enough together to create a fence and fill back up with candy or fresh fruit.Also play pass the jello,hard boiled eggs spaghetti in the dark while You tell a horror story about the body parts you are passing…good luck and HAPPY HALLOWEEN

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