free professional video editing software?

Question by piol: free professional video editing software?
i want to make a movie i need free over the top very good software were can i download good software

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Free and professional don’t typically go hand in hand, but let’s see what is out there.

For free software (windows) you can use Microsoft Movie Maker 2 – will get the basics done like cuts, fades, music, titles. It can’t burn to DVD though. You’ll need Roxio, Nero, or other authoring software.

You could download Avid FreeDV which offers more than Movie Maker 2. It doesn’t offer more than video editing software you can purchase. has a great series on making a movie with Avid Free DV. Click here to see that

For Apple you’ve got iMovie and iDVD. It is similar to Movie Maker in features but a bit better. You can also get Avid FreeDV for Apple as well (

I don’t know what you want to do with your videos, but there are a number of great consumer level editors such as:
Adobe Premier Elements 3.0 (PC)
Ulead Video Studio (PC)
Final Cut Studio (Apple)

If you are dead set on not spending any money, then you’ll need to wait for the new Ubuntu Studio to come out in April. I don’t know about the number of features, but I am guessing it will be a professional editor. We’ll just have to wait and see.

Good luck!

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