Food for a 2 person, 8 day canoe trip

I was putting together some food for an eight day canoe trip in Algonquin Provincial Park and thought I might as well take ten minutes to put it on tape and toss it up on good ‘ol YouTube. Hopefully it will give some ideas for other canoe trippers or hikers out there as well as inspire some fellow trippers to fire some off their own favorite recipes for me to try out on the trail. As I mention in this video, this is more food than required but makes for a comfortable trip. When I do solo tripping I tend to bring much less but when going with friends I’d rather be 100% positive we’ll have enough. I don’t mind being a little hungry if I packed on the light side for food but I don’t like others to suffer for having less food than they’re comfortable with. Btw, due to the amount of gear and food and having a 16’ boat, my dog Maddy (aka The Goose) sat this trip out. She was sadly missed and will be joining me on future outings for certain. Cheers, Troy

The insidious rise of anti-Semitism in the 21st century is examined in this documentary from filmmaker Richard Trank. In a world where tolerance is supposedly the watchword, politically, spiritually and historically-based slander against Jews is making a surprising comeback. Radical Moslems encourage violence against Jews, political leaders espouse anti-Israeli policies in the name of supporting the rights of Palestinians, right-wing skinheads recruit teenagers into their ranks, and commentators often cite the Jewish state for crimes which are ignored when committed by other nations. Ever Again presents damning evidence of rising anti-Jewish sentiment in France, Belgium, Germany, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom and features interviews with Alan Dershowitz, Nicolas Sarkozy, Louise Ellman, and Dr. Judea Pearl.
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