Fly Me to the Moon 3D – Family Movie Review

sims 2 movie making
by Kayzig

Fly Me to the Moon 3D – Family Movie Review

Movie Mama Rating: 1 out of 5 stars

Starring: Edwin E. Aldrin Jr, Christopher Lloyd, Robert Patrick, Nicollette Sheridan, Tim Curry
Directed By: Ben Stassen
Running Time: 1 hr. 25 min.
MPAA Rating: G
Genre: Kids/Family; Animation; 3D

Three young flies hitch a ride on the Apollo 11 space mission to the moon.

Sorry the synopsis is so short, but that’s about all there is to this film. If you’re thinking of spending upwards of $ 12 per person on this 3D family movie, then read on. You need to know what you’re in for.

Not all 3D films are created equal. The recent Journey to the Center of the Earth is an award-winner compared to Fly Me To The Moon. The animators of Fly Me have perfected the art of three-dimensional grass blades and that’s about it. I’ve seen better 3D films about space at the IMAX–and those were documentaries. Not only is the 3D animation immature and outdated, but the general animation is novice too. The bugs are kind of cute, sometimes, but mostly just creepy. And the human animation is terrible. The Sims 2 computer game has better design and animated mannerisms. And what’s with thinking that flies and maggots would make great film stars? Just because Pixar used rats with triumph, does not mean any filmmaker can do the same.

Fly Me To The Moon is a jumbled mess of plot and theme–it never seems to land on one idea and stay there. (Typical flies.) After the first ten minutes of elementary school play dialogue, you start to wonder if it’s a film advocating the dangers of obesity. Then it seems to switch to demonstrating just how easy it is for anyone to embark on a space mission, which I felt was demeaning to our incredibly intelligent and brave astronauts. Finally the film tries to teach children about the history of the Apollo 11 mission to the moon, but the true facts get muddled with inconsistencies. For instance, it is impossible for flies to endure space travel, not to mention the fact that they only live a few weeks. To ensure there isn’t any confusion, Buzz Aldrin makes an appearance during the credits to let audiences know that there were actually no flies on the Apollo 11 mission. Thanks, Buzz.

There are shallow themes of doing what is right, and risking your life for those you love. Despite a few great songs from the past, there isn’t much to say about this film that is positive.

Nat (Trevor Gagnon) and I.Q. (Philip Bolden) constantly chide their friend Scooter (David Gore) for being overweight and encourage him to go on a diet. Proper diet is an important thing, it’s something we all advocate at Plugged In Parents. But I don’t think it’s right to make your friends feel bad about their appearance, in any way, shape, or form.

I was really appalled by Grandpa’s (Christopher Lloyd) motto, “If it ain’t an adventure, it ain’t worth doing.” What kind of moral is that for our kids? If we all lived that way then children wouldn’t get fed, clothes wouldn’t get cleaned, and most parents wouldn’t even earn a paycheck. Despite the atrocious animation, this theme alone should let parents know what kind of oblivious writers were behind this movie. Grandpa even seems to encourage Nat to go against his mother’s wishes if it involves an “adventure.”

Nat, I.Q., and Scooter run away from home to steal a ride on a space ship. Another fabulous moral. When they return, the whole insect community throws them a parade. For what? Hitchhiking? Their mothers do not punish them because they are so proud of them for going into space-glorifying the means to an end. All throughout the film, Nat’s mom is depicted as the bad guy, always trying to keep Nat ‘down.’

There were several crass parts as well. Words like crap, idiot, and booger are used. Grandpa asks Nat if he knows of any “hotties who want to go honey dipping.” He reminisces about his old vodka-drinking girlfriend as though she’s a goddess, yet never speaks a word about his late wife, Nat’s grandmother. Nat’s mother says, “Oh my lord of the flies!” several times. One of the bad guys is called Comrade Poopchev, and there is a fart gag. And I’m not sure why the animators felt it necessary to give the female flies huge breasts. Once you notice it, it’s really quite distracting. It’s obvious they meant to do this because the television station shown in the film has the call letters DCUP.

I say, “If it ain’t a good film, it ain’t worth seeing.” Seriously parents, skip this one.

Megan is the staff family movie reviewer for For more parenting articles on health and safety, nutrition, baby, money and tech, family life, pets, and movie reviews, visit today!

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