Everyone’s Favorite Jackasses Totally Ball-Punched by Handycam Ghosts [Monday Box Office]

Everyone’s Favorite Jackasses Totally Ball-Punched by Handycam Ghosts [Monday Box Office]
# mondayboxoffice Now, the Jackasses still did pretty well. But man oh man, those closed-circuit demon-spirits really walked away with it this weekend. You moviegoers are an ever-trend-consuming tribe, you are. Always on to the next reality TV show-esque movie. More »
Read more on Gawker

I-70 Reopened Near Vail
I-70 passes have been dicey today due to snow, making for slick road conditions.
Read more on KJCT 8 Grand Junction

Lights, camera . . . bark!
A Floydada woman has turned a lifelong love of animals into a career that’s gotten her behind the scenes of at least 10 movies, films and TV shows and on the set with actors such as Denzel Washington
Read more on Plainview Daily Herald

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