Erotic home movie business?

Question by Amber T: Erotic home movie business?
I was thinking of starting a business where I would help couples film Erotic Home Movies. I figured some people would enjoy having their own home movie, and maybe some would prefer that it is done by a professional. So it can be memorable, not just one camera and one position. Something they can keep for years to come. Maybe even someones girlfriend or boyfriend would like to make a private video just for their significant other. This was my idea and I was wondering if you know where I can find more information about this type of business and if you think it is a good idea.
It wouldn’t be like a professional movie, it would be like a home movie just more advanced with editing and a few more cameras, there would be one possibly two people in the room at most. it would be like when parents hire a videographer to film “special events” birthdays, weddings, etc the end result is two times better than what you could do by yourself, but it isn’t made for the cinemas.

Best answer:

Answer by DeathbyHighKick
that’s kinda perverse….

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