Enrique Iglesias – Bailamos lyrics

Please, stop making comments about how it should say “how I want you” and not “how I love you”. I got it off of a lyrics site. It’s not my fault if they got it wrong. It’s already in the video. There is NOTHING I CAN DO ABOUT IT. So stop commenting about it. If it bugs you so much, make one yourself. I will delete all correction comments. I only saw one vid with lyrics to this song, and the font was difficult to read. Plus, I was bored. So, I made this. I hope you like it! Edit: November 10th 2008, HOLY CRAP, 9603 views in two months!! Thanks guys! =D Edit: January 20th, 2009 30000 views… This thing needs bigger O’s because I’m more surprised than this: OoO
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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