Does communism advance technology for important things while capitalism only advances it for pop culture?

Question by Dr. Trolls: Does communism advance technology for important things while capitalism only advances it for pop culture?
If there were to societies that are completely isolated from one another and one was communist and the other was capitalist would the way their technology advance be completely different. For example, the communist country wouldn’t have the latest ipods or video games. However as a whole, their society would already be exploring other planets. Capitalism is the opposite. Technology only advances on the entertainment demands of the masses. In communism, the central planners are creating the demand that will advance the country as a whole. We witness this in the space race. The Soviet Union was already ahead in putting a human in space while the United States was busy making televisions and movies. The United States thus only went to space to compete against the Soviet Union, and not for ideological motives.
here is an example of a good form of communism

Best answer:

Answer by D.Y.A.
Yes, most of the time.

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