Does anyone have a phone script I can use to market my product to store in my area to see if they want to buy?

Question by rescueguy18: Does anyone have a phone script I can use to market my product to store in my area to see if they want to buy?
I have a product that would be great to sell at Christian stores or for fundraising. I would like to start out selling these to Christian stores and see if they would then help me market the product as a fundraiser for local churches. I have a bunch of numbers of the different stores in my area but I’m not sure how to go about asking them if they would be interesting in selling my product. I have a powerpoint that shows my product and what it is about that I would like to email these companies but I would like to call them first to get their email address and make sure it is ok to email them my presentation for them to look at. Any suggestions on how to go about doing this?

Best answer:

Answer by ignoramus
I think your return would be very low. Instead, go visit each one personally. Dress appropriately. Ask to see the owner/manager. If unavailable, ask if you can make an appointment. Develop your speech ahead of time. Know the answers to anything they may ask ahead of time.
If they show some interest, ask if you can get their email to send more info.
The critical time is during the face to face meeting. It is not on the phone or by email.

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