Do you think movie stars, singers etc gave away their right to privacy when they became stars like some?

Question by PinkSkyCloud: Do you think movie stars, singers etc gave away their right to privacy when they became stars like some?
people believe. I have always thought that they deserved a little privacy when they go home or shopping because they spend a week of their lives giving us 30 minute of television, or 2 to 4 months of their lives to give us a two hour movie…so I was little surprised to see a good many people believe stars give up their right to privacy when they make the decision to become stars even though I admit they probably make entirely too much money …isn’t that a bit presumptuous? what do you think?

Best answer:

Answer by crayola red
No and it didnt use to be so bad. The stalking of celebrities has gotten worse over this decade. It’s kind of crazy that you can turn on your comp every day and see a celeb taking their kid to school or some boring crap like that. Then people wanna say, “she looks bad” or why is she wearing those shoes”. They think it’s normal that they are dissecting these people but it’s really creepy.

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