do you know where can i find a good site to learning to make a movie scenario?how to make a movie scenario?

Question by nilafagh: do you know where can i find a good site to learning to make a movie scenario?how to make a movie scenario?

Best answer:

Answer by Ganja_pixie420
the best way to make a good movie scenario is to just think it up yourself…maybe rely on a mixture of movies that u like for inspiration. Test out the scenario on your friends as a story about a friend of yours…or even say it was a book you were reading and see how they respond. Just have a begining, middle, and end; along with a “back story.” Throw in a few twists and you got a movie scenario. Be sure to clearly depict each of your characters. Get a picture of them in your head and then invent their personalities and habits (like how they would react to different situations). Then make a story around those characters…or the other way around…..shape your characters to fit your story. It’s all up to you and your imagination.

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