Do you generally leave the movie theatre feeling disappointed?

Question by No Picture: Do you generally leave the movie theatre feeling disappointed?
While at high school I didn’t see many movies, both at the cinema and on tape/DVD. I just wasn’t really into them. My friends often talked about movies and how funny the latest comedy was, how cool the latest blockbuster was etc.

Only lately have I begun watching more movies, as I started to believe I was missing out on something. However, for every 10 movies I see I would be lucky to find 1 worth watching. I have come to the conclusion that the whole industry is an appalling commercialised mess, and that the art has all but died in modern movie making. With action movies that rely on special effects and have a non-existent script, to useless, feel-good-wannabe family flicks, to the latest epic blockbuster – movies seem dramatically over hyped to me. Sometimes when I watch a movie I can see so many opportunities to throw off at it, yet even the spoofs seem to miss the creative mark. I enjoyed most of Tropic Thunder, but last night on TV there was: RV: Runaway Vacation, War of the Worlds and Snakes on a Plane. Three modern movies, and boy did they suck. I really like the first Spiderman, but I hate both new Batman movies. I also like Donnie Darko and a few other low budget films, but it seems that so many producers of whatever get caught up in the big budget, special effects blockbuster ‘emotion picture’ thing, and forget the basic art form that is film. What are you opinions on this? How can you go to the movies on a regular basis knowing you will most probably waste 2-3 hours of your life?

Best answer:

Answer by Crazy Horse
Ok, I got to half the large paragraph and stopped. Since the writers strike, most movies are based on books and old comics. The last movie I saw in my home was brought by my kids and I slept thru it. The last movie I saw in theater was Spider 1.

I do classic Rock more than T.V any day of the week. Guess I’m old school.

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