DermTV – Nose Hair [ Epi #442]

Everyone has nose hair. Especially those people whose nose hairs protrude from their noses. So can we all just get rid of them already? In this episode of DermTV, Dr. Schultz discusses what nose hairs actually do and whether or not you can remove them. Subscribe to DermTV: Connect with DermTV [TRANSCRIPT] Nose hairs. Everyone has them. No one wants them. But should you remove them? Or should you let them grow… and braid them! Stay tuned for a surprising answer. Don’t worry! Braiding them isn’t the solution. But seriously, what should or can you do about them? That really depends on how “germ phobic” you are. But here’s the twist. They don’t cause germs, they actually help to protect you from germs. Your body is very smart and has a complex system to help protect you from getting an infection from breathing in germs, like viruses, bacteria and even fungi. Your first line of defense for germs breathed in through your nose is the mucous in your nose and… yep… those annoying hairs. The mucus and hairs both help to catch the germs by acting like a filter. So the hairs do have a real and theoretically important function, and I say theoretically because, if you had all the hairs in the part of your nose near its opening removed… in other words… the ones that can show… I personally doubt your immunity would be seriously compromised because they represent such a small part of your complex immune system. So
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