Depression drug appears to be effective at reducing pain with breast cancer treatment

Depression drug appears to be effective at reducing pain with breast cancer treatment
A drug commonly used to treat depression and anxiety disorder was effective at reducing joint and muscle pain associated with a breast cancer treatment, according to a study from the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center.
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Get local and national news updates via E-mail. Hollywood has famously had better luck using makeup to make young actors look old – like Russell Crowe in “A Beautiful Mind” – than making old actors look young.
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Leaders agree job creation is needed in state
Teamsters President James P. Hoffa has a four-letter answer when asked what it will take to get our moribund state back on track. Gov-elect Rick Snyder, actor Jeff Daniels, and businessmen A. Alfred Taubman and Dick DeVos echoed the union leader’s response when asked the same question. Their response: jobs.
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