Demo Smoothing Tutorial

Want to know how to make super smooth flybys of levels? Here it is. I use Counter Strike Source but any Source programme should be roughly the same to use. Teleporting back to your starting position when you click MAKE KEY?!?! prvtdom has told me that minimising the game and opening it up again will fix any of these problems. So far, it seems to work 100%! Well done prvtdom. If for some reason that doesn’t work, there is another way, but it’s more hassle. Try holding down the mouse button on the MAKE KEY button as you fly about the map, and when you get to the place you want to be, let go of the mouse button. Your view will jump back to your start position, but the key will be made in the right place. OH and if you watch the final thing at the end and there are white numbers and lines in the way (presumably from when you were doing the smoothing), close the programme (ie, CSS) and load it up again, load up the video again and it will be back to normal. It seems hard, but split it into these steps; *Recording the clip *Setting up the smoothing *Doing the smoothing *Watching the final thing / recording it To remove the HUD, refer to the video response to this video.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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