Davos Open Forum 2010 – A World without Nuclear Weapons: Utopia?

www.weforum.org 30.01.2010 US President Obama and Russian President Medvedev want a follow-up agreement to reduce nuclear weapons. In other parts of the world, countries are seeking to build their own nuclear weapons North Korea has developed nuclear capabilities, and Iran is soon able to produce a nuclear explosive device. India, China and Pakistan have modernized their nuclear armed forces Who could, or should, prevent the spread of nuclear weapons? Why do some countries have the right to own weapons of mass destruction and others do not? To what extent is the civil use of nuclear energy denied to countries — out of fear for simultaneous use for military purposes? Why is Iran today striving for nuclear weapons, although it has rejected weapons of mass destruction for religious reasons for a long time? How do Iran’s religious leaders explain the production of weapons of mass destruction? This session is co-organized with the Federation of Swiss Protestant Churches (SEK-FEPS). Salpy Eskidjian-Weiderud, Church Consultant, Sweden and Cyprus Gareth Evans, Co-Chair, International Commission on Nuclear Non-proliferation and Disarmament, Melbourne; Global Agenda Council on Terrorism & Weapons of Mass Destruction Karl-Theodor Freiherr zu Guttenberg, Federal Minister of Defence of Germany Ikram ul-Majeed Sehgal, Chairman, Pathfinder G4S, Pakistan; Global Agenda Council on Terrorism & Weapons of Mass Destruction Moderated by Romaine Jean, Journalist, Swiss Television TSR, Switzerland
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