Creativity: A Discussion

– Slides for this talk are available at​ifckcdeck – An audio-only version of this talk is available at​ifcaudio – Q&A for this talk is available at​ifcqna I got up in front of people again last week. The fine folks of the Independent Filmmaker’s Coalition of Kansas City were kind enough to want to hear what I have to say about creativity and how it might matter to them. Since, you know, filmmakers are heavily dependent on their creativity. This was a very interesting talk for me to give. You see, I used to be very active in this group about ten years ago, and while very few of the faces in the crowd were familiar, the mindsets and desires of the people sitting in that old, musty theater were very much the same. Same as they always were. Same as I was so long ago. I meant for the talk to be much more of a discussion than a lecture. it didn’t turn out that way. Perhaps I should have left the slides at home and just winged it. Who knows. What I do know is that the Q&A was one of the more interesting ones that I’ve ever had. Mostly from the fact that this crowd seemed to be much more engaged in the overall philosophy of creativity than most college students1, but even more so because of how the tone of the Q&A seemed slightly geared toward poking holes through my theories. And, I liked that people were trying to refute my statements. It was a rare challenge. The one statement that caught most of my attention was that one person felt that I hadn’t given
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