Create dynamic web pages

Create dynamic web pages

The goal of this video is to teach you that being dynamic is a good thing. If your making a large scale website you need to include your menus and other code that is going to be on every page. If you’ve ever been a web developer and had to do updates for a client and their site is not dynamic, its absolute hell when you have to change one thing on every page. I think i failed to mention why making a constant ABSLPATH was important. 2 reasons for that. Since there are 7 includes on every page, they all need a path to the included file. You can either use a relative path or an absolute path. The way it used to be was just doing ../file on every single include. The problem with that, if I need to make a page that is say 2 folders deep then every single include (all 7) would need to be ../../ instead of ../ So in order to not redo all 7 includes everytime i add a page, i use that constant at the top, so all I have to change when I make a new page is that constant. for the root ill use / for 1 folder deep ill use /../ for 2 folders deep ill use /../../ and so on. I’m going to do a video on sessions, site users, and the next video I make will probably be how to make an XML site map to make your site much more findable on google.

Terrorists Stole My Newspaper!

When the game gets personal, the Counter-Terrorists develop new rules of engagement, and prank call the Terrorist Opposition who have taken over the Office! I made this purely with Garry’s Mod 10, and the audio file of “You Stole My newspaper!” Hope you enjoy it! Other Notes: I also made a Office Space prank call. Check it out here: I got around to making another one:

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