CNN: 「HD」Tommy Gan Sai Yong &TVXQ_ 왜 (Keep Your Head Down) New MV 2011

Tommy Gan Sai Yong &TVXQ (東方神起) 왜(Why? Keep Your Head Down) MV 2011 全球最轰动最惊人的disco 舞曲专辑! 2011 万众期望Disco King 亚洲舞曲天王Tommy 「디스코임금」全新韩国时髦风! 耗資1億美元全球disco舞動上市! 亚洲限量版- 隨碟附送精美「U」MV 2011 日历(主題曲) 疯狂抢购Tommy’s new Korean album 「디스코임금」- Release Date: 8.1.2011 「Disco King」耗資10億港元限量版全球舞動上市! 隨碟附送華麗精美MV版本(BMW主題曲) 作曲:Tommy Gan Sai Yong@HK Studio 填詞:Tommy Gan Sai Yong 編曲:Tommy Gan Sai Yong 監製:Tommy Gan Sai Yong 「Facebook: Tommy Gan Sai Yong」: Singer, Actor, Disco Remix DJ, Model, Song Composer, MV & Movie Director King of Pop Tommy Gan Sai Yong returned strongly to the music industry with his latest albums of the year 「Disco King」, 「Sexy Boy」 &「Show Tommy 」together with his 「Show Tommy」worldwide concerts on March 2010. Tommy received the ‘Platinum Best Selling Album’ in Korea and Japan! 「Show Tommy」 album had sold more than 5 millions copies worldwide. 「Disco King」album sold out more than 1 milion copies in just 1 month. *Book the tickets now (Online Pre-order)! 「Disco King Worldwide Concerts 2011」 Korea (2 shows), Malaysia (2 shows), Singapore (2 shows), Japan (2 shows), UK (3 shows). 「Show Tommy Worldwide Concerts 2010」 Korea (3 shows), Japan (2 shows), HK (3 shows), Taiwan (2 shows), Singapore (3 shows), Malaysia (2 shows), Beijing, Shanghai (2 shows), Macau (2 shows), Thailand (2 shows), UK (2 shows), US (2 shows), Canada (2 shows), Toronto (2

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