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Magby tried its best, but there wasn’t much he could do… Dratini is the one that destroyed my opponent’s team. Lmao, I went kinda crazy with the special effects there, but the moment was so amazingly epic, that I had to emphasize it. As you see, my Dratini is a bit particular. It relies on Swagger to Dragon Dance and power itself up, if it gets a bit of luck, it can become hard to stop without a priority move. Dragon Rush’s accuracy is very shaky, but it’s the best option since it can’t learn Dragon Claw (for obvious reasons, lol), and Outrage can either make you or brake you. ~~~~ ***ANNOUNCEMENT*** I’ve had an idea going on for some time now… and I finally decided to take some steps towards making it possible. I am realizing that posting Video Game content is a road without an end. As Gigatitan explained to me on the Facebook chat, it becomes pointless and gets you nowhere. I waste tons of time replying to comments/messages, recording and posting entertaining stuff, and just spending my time on YouTube. Now, it’s ok to do it during Summer… but school starts soon, and I simply can’t spend my free time making pointless videos. Yes they get views, Yes they get pleasant comments, but it’s like playing WoW, it’s fun but it’s at the end pointless. If I was a Vlogger, with 1000 subscribers, they automatically make you a Partner. When you’re a partner, you get tons of amazing features including Banners, Customized Thumbnails, no 10 minute limit, and of course, you get
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