Christopher Reeve – Superman 3D Tribute

HP: Extended version: This is a personal tribute to the unforgettable performance of Christopher Reeve, as he portrayed the legendary icon of Superman in the motion pictures. In real life, he shown us the guiding light, by fighting with all his very strength to win the battle against the casualties of life that brought him to a wheelchair after an accident in the late years. His life is a symbol, a metaphor to remind everyone of us that we are all fragile human beings, but our souls are capable to fly at the highest level. Thank you Christopher, we will always remember you… PS Info on the making: The sequence was entirely made with 3DS MAX, ZBrush, Photoshop, After Effects, Premiere, on a laptop, by myself, in my spare time, during the past year. No footage or motion capture have been used, just good old fashion animation. The whole thing is 100% hand made. Thank you for watching. Comments are welcome.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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