Candidates missing an opportunity to appeal to deaf voters

Candidates missing an opportunity to appeal to deaf voters
In the movie “Ghostbusters,” Bill Murray made a politically shrewd observation while trying to persuade the mayor of his plan to save the world. He reasoned. “If I’m right, and we can stop this thing, Lenny, you will have saved the lives of millions of registered voters.”
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The Adventures Of Young Karl Rove? New Rove Biopic Possibly Starring…Shia LaBeouf?
I used to think that Shia LaBeouf was making all of his career decisions on the dreams and fantasies I had circa fifth grade. I mean, the guy got to be in two Transformers movies and play Indiana Jones’ son! Thanks to this Los Angeles Times article , I now think he’s actually basing his role choices on the fever dreams I had back when I was horribly sick and ate pizza right before bed. That’s …
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Heigl, Duhamel Try to Redeem Their Public Follies by Meeting Cute in Charming ‘Life’
Mandy Rodgers “Life As We Know It” might be saddled with a horrific title and some clichéd plotlines, but somehow it still manages to pull out some satisfying entertainment due to a likable cast and pleasant script. Reviewer Rating:  2.50Stars B002ZG989G

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