can someone check my work for finding determinants?

Question by Yeahhhh: can someone check my work for finding determinants?
-2 1
3 4 determinant = 5

1 2 -1
3 0 1
4 1 -2 determinant = -5?

i would really appericiate if someone can make sure these determinants are correct, and if there not, to give me the correct answer.

also,i will give ten points if someone can answer this riddle :+

simba, cruella, tweedle, and captain like different movies : lion king, 101 dalmations, alice in wonderland, and pirates of the carribbean

* simba is best friends with the person whos favorite movie is alice in wonderland
* captain hates movies with an animal in the title
* cruella loves everything with africa
* tweedle got in a fight with his best friend alice

which character likes which movie?

Best answer:

Answer by YahooUser

and the fourth entry is either senseless or the only useful one. Going with the last interpetation
So, the answers are:
cruella – 101 dalmations
captain – pirates of the carribbean
simba – lion king
tweedle – alice in wonderland

What do you think? Answer below!

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