Brandon Barash – From General Hospital to the MDA Telethon

Brandon Barash of ABCs General Hospital was joined by Lauren Reeves of CHIC.TV and top editors and producers on Thursday night for a dinner to introduce him as the National Celebrity Ambassador for Muscular Dystrophy Association. Brandon, who lost a childhood friend to the disease, spoke to why he chose to become involved with MDA and what his connection with the organization allows him to achieve. Brandon shared photographs from his personal travels to international destinations such as Alaska, Prague, Chicago, Big Sur, Amsterdam, San Diego and New York with friends as well as his photography book, which is available through General Hospital fan club events. The sale of these photographs, as well as Brandons book, will be donated to the Muscular Dystrophy Association for research and awareness purposes. Brandon has several other awareness events scheduled for the future and is excited to make a difference with MDA!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

The paranormal activity had slowed down a little until I tried auto writing with the ghost of the little girl. The ghost girl opened the cabinets and i did not see her except in the view finder of the camera. I believe the ghost is wanting me to leave my home. The haunting is being looked over by a friend who is a paranormal investigator. She is going to try and help the ghost girl over to the other side. I will record more ghost activity as it happens.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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