Bookbinding 101 Sewing with Cloth Tapes

I made this tutorial video specially for people without any knowledge of sewing books to easily understand and see the details of the basic sewing process as much as possible, so I had to place the camera very close to my hands while recording, as a result, I couldn’t work smoothly.. I apologize for that. Anyway, I just changed the status of this video from “Unlisted” to “Public” after being asked to do so. I might change the status of other video I’ve made to “Public” as well. But for now, I hope this video is useful for beginners of bookbinding. I’ll make a few more video recordings on different sewing methods when I get a chance next time. Thanks for your interest in the trade. ~MHR NOTE: As my purpose of creating these tutorial videos is to encourage general population to start getting involved in the bookbinding trade, I always try to demonstrate things with ordinary items as much as possible, so that it doesn’t discourage viewers from trying it just because they don’t have the particular equipment to do the job. The methods featured on my tutorial videos are very basic and often I have to change a little in order to make it more feasible to the beginners. So it should not reflect the real trade of bookbinding. Yet my instructions are thought through so that the end result will be perfectly decent if you follow them. 日本人の皆様へ: 製本 (本の作り方 等)についての御質問は、コメント又はイーメールで御問い合わせ下さい。出来る限り明確に御質問に御答えできるように努力致します。

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