are screenwriters suppose to direct their own scripts?

Question by happy days 🙂: are screenwriters suppose to direct their own scripts?
ya, if u write a script and want it to be a movie, are you suppose to direct the movie? or do the companies just pick a random person that has experience?

one more question u don’t haf to answer this one, but is there a certain age u haf to be to send a script out to people/companies? can u be like 16 and haf a script being made into a movie? if not, why not?

Best answer:

Answer by Mai
Usually, no, screenwriters don’t tend to direct unless it’s a very low budget film and the producers can’t afford to hire more than a few people. And you can be any age, producers tend to choose writers with more life experience, or someone that knows someone they’ve worked with before. It usually has nothing to do with how good of a writer you are. But good luck. 🙂

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