Approaching Life Like Playing Softball


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The book, which is still a work in progress, is a burning desire that I’m confident will come into being.  It’s just not happening as quickly as I would like.  I have my timetable and the universe has another. I can get annoyed that things aren’t going quickly, but it’s a bit like shouting at a rosebud to hurry up and bloom.  Things take time.

Unlike the book, I’ve been hammering away at screenplays for several years.  My first project was conceived when I was 19, but I didn’t complete it until I was in my 20s.  During that time I took classes, went to seminars, paid a script analyst to look it over, followed by additional revisions based on his suggestions.  In retrospect, while the script, Vanishing Dream, had some great lines and moments, I can honestly say the screenplay will not be made, nor should it be.  It stinks.  But

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