Animation – Paradise Seekers

PLEASE READ FAQ BELOW BEFORE ASKING A QUESTION Well here’s an animation is as promised 😀 No wolves in this one though I’m afraid people, but it is from Wolf’s Rain which kind of balances it out yes? This has been a work in progress for the last 3 months and I learnt a hell of a lot from making it. It’s easy to see the parts I put a lot of effort into and the parts I was lazy with, not to mention the atrocious anatomy errors in all five characters. At any rate it was awesome fun to make and somewhat easier now that I’ve gone back to the lineart style as opposed to my “furry animals” style. Constructive crit is greatly appreciated ^^ Oh, also I apologise for how confusing this video is. It was hard getting the story to make sense whilst also fitting it to the already existing audio of Wolf’s Rain (epic anime BTW ^^) so it might be a little confusing. The basic story is that our puma is entering this cave in order to gain increased powers, but Hige and the gang try to stop her before this happens. Hige is overpowered and Tsume & Toboe shield him as Kiba enters the scene and battles the puma. She paralyses him with her magic but he retaliates and eventually renders her too weak to continue her plan. Meh it’s fail but whatever. To be honest I’d much prefer to hear your own interpretations of it in a comment ^^ ………..FAQ………. Q) What programs did you use to make this? A) The programs are listed at the end of the video. Adobe Photoshop is an art program, Movie Maker Make sick rap, hiphop, r&b, house, etc. beats in minutes with Dub Turbo music producer software
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