A very important question regarding a life decision I am making?

Question by Erick Torres pinto: A very important question regarding a life decision I am making?
I would like to know if anybody could give me a very good and well-though out opinion on this matter which I am going to present to people now:

I am 21 years old. I come from Brazil, and moved to Australia and have been having enormous problems to adjust to the culture. The thing is, I do not adjust very well to Brazilian culture or Australian culture… possibly it might be because I came to a realization yesterday that my personal philosophy is very much what influenced me all those years: Asian culture, and especially the Japanese Bushido philosophy.

So with that in mind I want to talk seriously with people in here and ask their opinions on this: if anyone read books such as Bushido by Daidoji Yuzan, any poetic verses from old Japan, Hagakure, and the likes, I believe you know where I am coming from culturally. That is, I am in that spectrum of reality where I do not see the ego, or the mutual existance only, I see a reality based on honor and if you are going to work, you have to do it 100% to the best of your abilities, no complaints and total willingness of mind to do it in work.

Now here is where the problem starts: I am at a gigantic odd with Western traditional culture for a long while now… the matter at stake is the education system that we follow, as well as technology. I see things such as ideas like cloud computing, or increased lack of change in Politics and the modern stagnation of humanity, and I do not enjoy it a single tiny bit. So if you got the picture, here is the problem: it is not exactly not working hard to achieve my goals, it is just finding a way to make the Capitalist and traditional technocratic culture of places such as Australia, fit my mentality. It ultimately reached the point where I can no longer study in a Western based system, no matter how good it is; I feel I need to pass through real hardships and test myself deeper and deeper to really tell what I am willing to do for this world; let alone do it.

So I have as my situation at the moment getting a job in any music store, paying 15 dollars per hour. My plan is the following, and I would like to hear opinions on this, it is really important to me to hear more experienced people on this matter (not that I base my entire life on Empiricism; I’d think this empirical approach to life is very rudimentary from Westerners but oh well…):

1. I plan to save as much money as possible in a period of 3 to 4 years, and I have my stepfather and mother backing me up with most necessities that I’d have in a technocratic country.
2. I am not willing to pay for such things as the public health care as I do not see myself with any problems whatsoever that need to be constantly treated; so basically it would be a thing of paying some amounts every 2, 3 or 4 months to see if things are fine.
3. After I get a desired amount, I would like to move to an Asian country which is not so much full of technology, restrictions or what I’d consider as silly rules. I have been studying heavily about a possibility of going to Mongolia and possibly living there. It is small, it is easy to live by even if you had a small job in countries such as Brazil for a number of years, the biggest problem being the transport but that can be reasoned and also, me being located in Australia at the moment, helps in this situation. Any other countries which could have a similar structure would be welcomed… all I ask is that it be a small community with a economy that could make me have a high standard of monetary funds so I can continue doing things such as writing.
4. All the technology that I need at the present moment I already have, and I do not see with most of the new things that are coming out today as anything necessary for me; for instance, music was reduced to thuggish rap and Lady Gaga, movies are being pirated in a insane proportion, governments are not able to control their own information databases anymore, and so on…

So yes, I think I spoke for too long here, I hope to receive good answers on this, please no ludicrous overtly sentimental bullshit about the state of how our world is just going through a bad phase… because it has to my knowledge, been like that since the 70s.
To the gentleman who called himself Nonuna… I’d have to say, you sure can make things dumber with every passing word. No really, you take the cake as to why I hate most of what is happening today. Your sarcasm did not seem to have had even the small effect you intended upon… so let me show you where you are wrong:

1. I am talking about the country Mongolia, not the region that is under Chinese administration (Inner Mongolia). The country has Communist tendencies, however it is ALLIED for quite a good while now with the USA, and this is the country that has been supporting most of the technology in that place… you might not have even heard of things such as Neo-Nazis and extremists approving modern Mongolia as a example of what they consider a good and civilized Asian country and Nazis moving and becoming Mongols now because of the enormous allegiance that Mongols from Mongolia, not Inner Mongolia, have been giving the USA. Do not believe me? Check the sources you probably are go

Best answer:

Answer by j
Kudos, you’re admirably on a path of realization.

Would suggest these authors as providing some helpful guidance:

The Path of the Higher Self, Mark Prophet
Man, Master of His Destiny, Omraam Aivanhov
Sunyata: The Sayings of a Rare-born Mystic, Isenberg and Camhi
Daughter of Fire, Irina Tweedie
Kundalini West, Ann Ree Colton
Autobiography of a Yogi, Yogananda, http://www.crystalclarity.com/yogananda

Would note http://www.matthewbcrawford.com as providing a key to vocational sustainability: one may be a master of a trade without losing one’s awareness (shown in Rafael Lefort’s “The Teachers of Gurdjieff”). A friend was considering moving to Mongolia, and what I gathered was that a vocation of some genuine or non-corrupt usefulness was good.

The mastery of “right livelihood” is a key. http://www.rwm.org/rwm while keyed to North Americans does provide examples of what is doable in the way of right livelihood.

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