Where can I learn Video Production by myself? Or how? 10 pts?
Question by Eddie: Where can I learn Video Production by myself? Or how? 10 pts?
I want to learn how to create and edit and put in music into videos and whatnot. I also may need to figure out how to convert things like MP4 formats into a format suitable for Windows Movie Maker, or if you guys have any recommendations on better video making tools, let me know please!
Such as like, funny youtube videos, not like, Channel 4 news.
Best answer:
Answer by agraz7777
Download Audacity or Wavepad for free. You can open up music and copy/paste sections to fit where you want them (in any starting format), along with edit sound levels. If you want to time certain things like sound effects into your music, you can use Windows Movie Maker to figure out what timing in your video and sync it into your track at that timing in the music program.
I’ve done this with Wavepad a few times, I’m still new to Audacity. Make sure to save backups in case you make a mistake. Export final product as .WAV (or .MP3 if you wish to take less file space), and use a sampling rate of 44,100 Hz so you don’t lose quality.
For video converter, go here: http://www.winavi.com/en/download/download.htm
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