7 reasons why Harry Potter is better than Twilight

EDIT: I’d like to thank everyone for all of the lovely comments and keeping the hating and debating to a minimum. I read every single comment I get (or I try, my inbox is pretty full.) Thanks so much! 😀 FAQ: Q) Why did you compare the two series, Harry Potter is clearly better? A) If only we could all be so intelligent. Q) Why did you say that Twilight did better in the office than Harry Potter when it didn’t do better than Harry Potter in the box office. A) Think of it from a different perspective. Harry Potter has released 8 movies and generated 04002609. Twilight has released three and has generated 71119810. That’s over a billion dollars in three movies. Twilight also made their movies on a significantly lower budget than Harry Potter. So Twilight has made a pretty significant amount of money. Q) You know these aren’t really FACTS right? A) I do. But they are as close to facts as I can get in an opiniated subject. Q) What are you credentials for making this video? A) I’m an English major. Q) It’s called the Philosopher’s stone, dumbass. A) In the most of Europe and where I live (Cork, Ireland) it’s the Philosopher’s stone, yes. But in America where a big majority of the YouTube audience is and in the movies it’s the Sorcerer’s Stone. I figured more people would recognize the Sorcerer’s Stone. Q) I like Twilight better. A) May I direct you to your people? www.fanpop.com Have fun. Q) Harry Potter font? Where do I get it? HP font link: members.outpost10f.com

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