6 Ways to Increase Your Video Views on YouTube

www.NetStories.com – In this fourth installment of the “How to Make Money on YouTube” series I discuss six ways to get your video noticed.

IMPORTANT UPDATE: Coulton gave spike’s predessor permission to upload the video. (See extensive annotations.) However, viacom OWES ME sixty cents, because, hilariously, they pirated THIS VIDEO. Ask Viacom where my sixty cents is: www.viacom.com Jonathan Coulton’s Flickr video: www.jonathancoulton.com Where Is Jonathan Coulton’s 37 dollars? In which John Green examines the complicated relationship between Viacom and piracy: Viacom has filed a lawsuit against YouTube seeking more than a billion dollars in damages for the copyright infringement that was rife in the early days of YouTube. But John proves that spike.com, which is owned by Viacom, has been placing ads against content that doesn’t belong to them for years, including Jonathan Coulton’s brilliant music video “Flickr.” This video includes a snippet of “Flickr,” which is–like this video–released under a Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike Creative Commons license. All of which is to say: Viacom, if you steal my video like you stole Coulton’s, I will sue you.
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