5/27/2011 — Congress has been notified about ‘HAARP Rings’ by constituent letter

www.congress.org “May 26, 2011 GM, I phoned yesterday about this issue of severe WX. Please look at these URL sites and tell me the man is wrong in the forecasts he makes. If believable, why is our government making this WX? NOTE: in the first video of the reference to “Vortex Spiral Radar Rings” in 2004 over New Orleans….. ‘Vortex Spiral’ RADAR Rings – out of North Carolina and Central Midwest www.youtube.com HAARP rings appear @ WA, OR, ID, MO, TN, LA, TX, AL, KY, NY = severe in 24-48 www.dutchsinse.com To date; many folks have died, flood waters have devastated the mid-west. Why? Now they may be targeting NC & SC? Again why? Serious damage has happened in the past ” Katrina” and is still happening in the form of floods and severe storms. If above information is to be believed ( and I do ) still more serious damage to this country is in the near future due to HAARP operations. At the very least, damage that has happened already caused many deaths, scores of displaced residents, unbelievable damage to property, due to floods & tornadoes, that were possibly Man Made. All leading to shortages and higher Food prices. I am requesting a Senate Hearing/Investigation into the Operations of HAARP as to any intentional or un-intentional damage to the US. Please turn a spot light on HAARP and those who are controlling it. Weather modification I should think is serious business. HAARP has that ability. Has HAARP gotten out of control? Perhaps it should be shut down until that
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