5-5-5-5: A Firefighter Tribute

This is our first attempt at putting together a video. Please let us know what you think, because we would love to do more and improve on them. This one is a collection of graphics, pictures, and quotes put to music. I hope you enjoy watching as much as we enjoyed making it!!
Video Rating: 5 / 5

This is for the people that argue that Haruka and Michiru (Amara and Michelle) are cousins instead of lovers. It also touches on Haruka being female as opposed to male. I used this site as a reference for getting quotes from the interview www.stormpages.com This is the link to the episode where Haruka is sick and Michiru takes care of her. just replaec the (dot) with a . youtube(dot)com Disclaimer: I do not own Sailor Moon, I do not own the Uranus & Neptune theme song. I am merely borrowing them for the making of this video. Got rid of the music while they were talking and added in some more clips ^^ enjoy!
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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