35: Saturday Breaks the Limit again with his most Jumbled video Yet.

CHALLENGE Re-enact your favorite moment in history in 30 seconds or less using no edits and no fast forwards. HAVE FUN! LYRICS I’m dreaming of a uke Christmas Just like the ones I want to know Where the covers are written, and youtube listens To hear Julias melodica in the snow I’m dreaming of a uke Christmas With every video I watch May your songs cause Max Bemis to shit himself!!!! And may all your CDs sell out quick. I’m really sorry. But One. I couldn’t find marshmellows. I’ll do it tomorrow or next week I promise. But I accept your punishment. Both for going over this week. And for being a marshmellowless person. I had to work for a few hours to edit down all the stuff I talked about. Next week. SCRIPT. I swear. I just don’t stop talking. I really don’t. Julia Nunes is the shit.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

In this interview, Nina Jacobson talks about how to become a successful screenwriter in Hollywood. How do you find a literary agent? How do you get your script in front of the studios? These questions and more are answered by one of the most powerful women in the entertainment industry.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

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