118. Making Your List & Psychological Reversal — Faster EFT

www.fastereft.com Peace List — Everything you need to make peace with in your life. Spiral notebook— List simple titles of each memory & name the feelings you had, but not detailed stories. 1.Start at Birth, before birth, whats going on with parents 2.How siblings felt about you, how they treated you 3.First experiences, list what you can remember 4.Any sexual abuse, your first sexual experience 5.Emotional or physical abuse and traumas 6.School experiences, issues with teachers, classmates, etc. 7.Major moves, changing schools 8.Deaths of pets, pet injuries, losses 9.Any romantic relationships, especially first boyfriend/girlfriend 10.Pivotal points in life with parents, siblings, bosses, co-workers, whoever 11.Divorce, relationship breakups, broken friendships 12.Deaths, grief & loss, loss of job, loss of health 13.All hurts, anything you felt bad about when it happened 14.All major medical illness, chronic illness, other medical problems 15.Accidents & injuries, physical traumas 16.Fears/phobias, ie Fear of dogs, list each experience to support the fear
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DVDs for sale here: operationpipeworks.blogspot.com Operation Pipeworks is the first glass pipe blowing DVD for the glass pipe enthusiast. Learn how glass pipes are made, the techniques behind the art, what the parts of a pipe are, meet the people who make them, and see the flames fly!…

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