101 Duh…

watch my 100th video (it special too!) www.youtube.com THIS IS SO RANDOM xD 101th video! i encounted some problem during and after video making… i use wax 2.0 , a new program i have, to make explosion sometime after i try to render, i always failed BUT I KNOW HOW TO FIX NOW! after producing the video, there green bar/screen appear below on some parts of the video… i find that both dvix and xvid cause it but i never had this problem before… also, normally the video not so dark but after the production, the video turn darker… HELP PLEASE. Link(by order) : Club Penguin www.clubpenguin.com habbo(singapore) http Censor Bleep Sound Effect www.youtube.com Video and sound of SAUIS www.youtube.com but from an episode AOSTH boogey-mania www.youtube.com Bomb sound effect www.youtube.com We like to party (music) www.youtube.com Real version of 4:50 (by minybuddie) www.youtube.com 4:50 that garfieldandfriends logo?it also shows in my video asking what logo to choose www.youtube.com Car crash sound effect www.youtube.com Running the the 90’s www.youtube.com I’ve been delayed – tas 1000 www.youtube.com Here we go from super mario 64 ending www.youtube.com Standby picture catchupblog.typepad.com Explosion detonationfilms.com Learn how to make explosion in your video(using freeware) www.youtube.com Program : Windows movie maker IT isn’t available for download but it should already available in windows xp/vista (i think 7 got live) Camtasia Recorder/Camtasia Studio www.techsmith

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