☆✖☠♥ HoW To CreaTe YouR OwN CusToM ConTenT TuToRiaL (with ‘PAINT’) SiMs 2 ♥☠✖☆

I wasn’t planning on making this. Buuuuutt people kept asking me if I could, so I did. ε(ಥ_ಥ)з This tutorial is intended for those who are completely clueless on how to make custom content … So if your some like “hot shot” CC making wiz, Don’t go spamming my comments with stuff like “Bwahahahahahahahahah!!!! I’m so much cooler than you! xP ” …. ¬_¬ nvm actually I wouldn’t mind those kind of comments.. Anyway! This tutorial is simple, quick, and so easy a caveman could do it. °ω° It will show you how to☟ ✔►Start and export a project ✔►The basics to recoloring ✔►How to import the project into the game… and that’s pretty much it!… ಠ.ಠ (UPDATE!:) you can now download the shirt! Link below☟ ► thesims2.ea.com If you have any questions, ask them. they will be awnserd. also I would LoVe with a capital L – V (screw the o_e) if you uploaded a video response showcasing your very own CC you made ε(●̮̮̃•̃)з ✖o✖o ♥ ~ aCraZyThiNg™ ツ

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