Writing scripts?

Question by Curucurufinwë: Writing scripts?
Can anyone help me how to :
1) Write with the scripts format? I’m new and I don’t know how to write it with those indents and all.
2.)Sell my script? I know I have to get it in the right format and use Courier/Courier New size 12, but how can I sell it?

Best answer:

Answer by Third P
Script writing entails talent. You cannot just write script just for the sake of doing so. The script you will be writing must jive with the director’s wish. The character of the casts plays a major role and must be based on the film or episode suited to it. Selling your script is not easy task. You must build your identity in the film industry first. You should first start to a simple one or join to any film contest. Remember that you cannot rush everything overnight. Do your script writing right the first time. Good luck.

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