World of warcraft Gamecard doubling generator!!!! Works both EU and US

You have finally discovered the beauty of a bug at the blizzard manufacturer computer. Sorry for the bad video quatily 🙁 Techincal info: Have you ever came across sites, that sell gamecards and email them directly to you, after you made the payment? Well this is exactly what those companies do; They use a generator provided to resellers by Blizzard and so blizzard gets a certain percentage income from the company that sells gamecards online. Well we have that generator installed on our “LIVE” server hosted in UK that proxy to the Blizzard server, that can generate unused gamecard(s) within a few hours. Well you may be wondering why we use Unused gamecard; It is the way blizzard authenticates the supplier and then give the supplier another valid card, for them to resell. So you keen to get another key yourself? Simply enter the following in an email and click SEND!! To: Subject: //run Message: //open maker //EU/US/RU [State weather it is an EU/US/RU card] // gamecard [enter the 25digit gamecard] //email adress {[end syntax] {{ Well the reason you have to send this, is because the main Suppliers have automatic scripts and application to do this automatically for the Customer upon payment. This however bypass payment and send the gamecards within a few hours. Hope you enjoy this and send this to your friends!

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